In the midst of the escalation of violence in Rosario, Hannibal Fernandez will present a report on the situation and its management to the Chamber of Deputies, specifically to the Internal Security Commission chaired by Ramiro Gutiérrez.
The security minister He was summoned to the Lower House at 1:00 p.m. This will be the first time Hannibal Fernandez submit a report on the measures that the Government has taken to combat crime and insecurity in Rosario.
To this extent, it is expected that Hannibal Fernandez explain in detail the security plan that was launched yesterday in the city of Santa Fe, this after President Alberto Fernández ordered the sending of federal forces to the city.
This way, The minister will present the policies that the Government has implemented to collaborate with the authorities of Santa Fe and Rosario to fight against violence and drug trafficking.
The official’s summons was agreed last Tuesday during the special session in which the new social security moratorium was approved, after a request for interpellation presented by the deputy of Juntos por el Cambio de Santa Fe, Juan Martín.
Although the Frente de Todos initially rejected the request for interpellation, in the end a consensus was reached with the opposition for the head of the Security portfolio to appear before the Commission today.

Meanwhile, this Wednesday the plenary of the Justice and Criminal Legislation commissions issued an opinion on the project to strengthen the justice of Santa Fe, which seeks to implement the accusatory system to advance more quickly in cases related to drug trafficking.
Members of the Army guard the neighborhoods in Rosario
After the security minister presented in Rosario the 300 new federal agents who will act there and reinforce the Unified Command, members of the Gendarmerie began to guard the neighborhoods most affected by violence.

The police officers will carry out patrols in neighborhoods such as Empalme Graneros, Ludueña, and La Tablada, Vía Honda and Las Floreswhere they already carry out inspection and control tasks to prevent new attacks.