Home South AmericaUruguay Andrade calls on the multicolored coalition to debate the LUC and stop the fear campaign

Andrade calls on the multicolored coalition to debate the LUC and stop the fear campaign

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Andrade calls on the multicolored coalition to debate the LUC and stop the fear campaign


Andrade raised the need to discuss the text of the LUC, the context in which it is applied and its origin in order to “understand the soul of the reforms that are underway, and for the Uruguayan people to later support or reject them, but with the utmost possible information ”.

“If we don’t exchange, we say one thing, then the government says another and everything gets mixed up. While in the exchange it can be documented. I call on the main government spokesmen to dare to participate in public debates. The moment has arrived where the fear campaign is no longer useful, ”said the Frente Amplio parliamentarian in dialogue with Telemundo.


Andrade believes that the government “is strategically postponing reforms until after the referendum,” such as maintaining fuel prices (which are adjusted monthly by the import parity price), delaying the social security reform, and postponement of the creation of the Universal Telecommunications Fund.

“Many of the decisions that have been made have to do with slowing down certain reforms, which are neoliberal in nature because there is less State presence and greater market participation, and they deepen inequality, because they are unpopular measures,” said the legislator.

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