Utama, a mirror we need to look at

andinistan project

January 16, 2023, 4:05 AM

January 16, 2023, 4:05 AM

They haven’t given it a name yet, but the project of creating the equivalent of Afghanistan in this region is now making great strides.
From Lima, parliamentarians of all stripes accuse the cocalero Morales of inciting the narco-terrorists who are harassing the south of that country after Pedro Castillo put the noose around his neck when he declared himself dictator, and was deposed.

Red Ponchos affiliated with the cocalero’s party carry ammunition to Peruvian terrorists under the noses of the Luis Arce government, despite the fact that arms trafficking is a crime condemned by the United Nations.
It is that between the two countries there are other traffics condemned by international laws, which circumvent Bolivian and Peruvian laws, such as that of drugs that arrives in Bolivia from the VRAEM, also the starting point for gold produced by illegal mining.

They are operations designed to materialize the project of creating Andinistán, which is capable, like Afghanistan, of defeating the Soviets, the Americans, the Russians, successively, until imposing a Muslim dictatorship in that territory.

In exchange for the Koran, these South American narco-terrorists have taken “Indianism” out of their hats, but only as a mask, to confuse the unwary, as the Taliban in Afghanistan do using messages attributed to Muhammad.

They are tricks to disguise with pseudo-ideologies or religions or “worldviews” the business that interests them and that gives them resources to conquer territories.
The accusations against the cocalero Morales have evidence, but above all they start from admitting that this subject has been capable of conquering a territory within Bolivia and turning it into his private property, without access to Bolivian law.

The Shining Path narcoterrorists, who operate in the VRAEM, were about to achieve the same thing when Castillo legalized illegal coca growing in the area and ordered an end to the bombing of clandestine runways, as well as the destruction of illegal mining dredgers.
Gold and drugs together are invincible, for the moment.
The political suicide committed by Castillo in Peru has forced the militants of the Andinistán project to launch into open struggle, even threatening to reach separatism.

The project conceives a different future in our region, with a changed geography, but above all with a unique ideology, capable of allying with the China-Russia-Iran axis and its Latin American lackeys.
The region is in time to stop this advance of narcoterrorism.

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