Home CaribbeanDominican Republic Ana Karina never lost hope of staying alive

Ana Karina never lost hope of staying alive

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Ana Karina never lost hope of staying alive

Ana Karina Ramos, the young woman who was abandoned in a dying state in a ravine at kilometer 32 of the Duarte highway, municipality Peter Branddeclared that she never lost hope and that she remained confident in God to stay alive.

She said she has always been a person of faith and that she was never alone in this process. She thanked the doctors who assisted her at the Vinicio Calventi Hospital, where she remained for 15 days, for their care.

“I had three angels whose faces I couldn’t see because the light was very white, but I could see their hands and their white coats,” she said, shocked.

His attacker, Eduardo Antonio Guerra García, He told the authorities that the young woman had an outstanding money debt with him, however, this version was denied by her.

Ramos assured that she did not know the man, who caused multiple wounds to her face with a sharp weapon and also attacked her with pellets in the chest using a shotgun. She played dead so he could save her life.

He reported that he was in a grocery store located at kilometer 28 of the municipality. Pedro Brand drinking alcohol and presumes that the aggressor may have put something in her glass to take advantage of her.

The 27-year-old hopes that the authorities will do justice so that no other woman is victim of the.

Against Guerra García, 41 years old, they imposed three months of preventive detention, to be served at the La Victoria Correction and Rehabilitation Center.

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He will continue with his dream of being an artist

Ana Karina She expressed that since she was little she dreamed of being an artist and that it is something she does with love.

He said that when he recovers he will continue with plans to make his dream come true. She added that she has two musical songs that she will release and intends to create videos for her.

He came out with his arms immobilized

The young woman came out with her hands immobilized, however, according to José A. Alfaror, director of the health center, the victim You can recover at home.

While, Jose Batistain charge of the Surgery department, said that the young woman Ana Karina They placed a PAP System on him, which serves to eliminate infections in his body and improve the healing of his wounds.

On June 13, the National Police reported on the incident and indicated that Ana Karina She was found in a dying state by some workers, who notified the police authorities.

The man worked as a private security in a company and used the shotgun assigned to his job to attack her.

Dominican journalist, graduated from the Technological University of Santiago (Utesa).

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