With this decree, the protection of the region will then be sought, and it is established that the design and articulation of actions that promote connectivity between protected natural areas and other sites with jaguar populations must be strengthened.
As detailed in the decree, the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources, through the National Commission of Natural Protected Areas, carried out a prior justifying study with which it was concluded that the region known as “Jaguar” meets the necessary requirements to declare it as a protected natural area with the category of “protection of flora and fauna”.
Among the fauna, it also stands out that the spider monkey and the royal flycatcher also inhabit this region; and some other registered vertebrates, whose populations have decreased, such as the striped spiny iguana, the engravable tortoise and the barred nuthatch, both classified as species subject to special protection.
As well as some plant species at risk such as the nakás and buccaneer palms, and the coastal guano, all considered endangered species.
The “Jaguar” zone is partially located in one of the largest and most important karstic aquifers in the world, in which at least 2,000 kilometers of underground passages are recorded, in which the Sac Actun system and the Ox Bel Ha system stand out. , considered one of the most extensive underwater cave systems, which belong to the Great Mayan Aquifer, located in the northwest of Quintana Roo.
By declaring this region a protected area, it is prohibited to “pour or discharge contaminants, such as glyphosate” into the soil, subsoil and bodies of water, as well as affect hydraulic flows.