▲ This week there will be a meeting with producers, distributors and merchants, reported López Obrador.Photo Maria Luisa Severiano
Alonso Urrutia and Emir Olivares
Newspaper La Jornada
Tuesday, June 21, 2022, p. 5
Even though President Andrés Manuel López Obrador highlighted the compliance of food producers, distributors and merchants to maintain the prices of the 24 products of the most consumed basic basket, a meeting will be held this week with these sectors that will be headed by the Secretaries of the Treasury. and Economy, as well as the Federal Consumer Protection Office (Profeco), announced the president.
In his conference, he announced that new actions are being designed to face the inflationary phenomenon, although he did not give further details.
For now, he indicated that he will tour the fertilizer plants (that we inherited in very bad condition, because they are the plants of corruption
), in Cosoleacaque, Coatzacoalcos and Lázaro Cárdenas, because it is intended to promote their production, in order to have the capacity to deliver free fertilizer to 800 thousand farmers and thereby increase the food harvest.
On his occasion, the head of Profeco, Ricardo Sheffield, ruled out – as some merchant organizations pointed out – that there is a shortage of some basic products and less of toilet paper, which Mexico even exports. He also rejected that prices have a rise of up to 30 percent.
There is an increase in the national price index for food and beverages, that is not being ignored, what we are indicating is that it is less than those same products in the international market, because unfortunately we cannot be exempt from an inflationary process that occurs all over the world, but they are not 30 percent
Sheffield said.
López Obrador recalled that in order to obtain cheaper food from around the world, import tariffs were withdrawn, which is linked to the new measures that are about to be announced. I don’t want to advance anything yet. It’s going to be something quite, quite important. We are working on that