The most special of my life is the variety of people I know. Linda people who are about strange and magical forms to stay in my environment. People who arrive to give, to offer something, to generate a permanent barter that implies offering and receiving with the same love. Thus Amanda Acosta arrived in my life.
He sent me a message to Messenger saying that I had some things to donate to the Milky Way, a project for early childhood that I founded with some friends. As Amanda had a ten -month -old baby, she asked me to go home.
That day we click. Everything in her was familiar to me: her house, her child, her fine hands like lilies. When he gave me the bag with the materials for the children, I had the feeling that I had already given them before, in another life. With it that cheesy expression is applied to: “I think I know her of a lifetime.” At that time I thought it was a connection between us, I thought I was also special and that the magic of the encounter hugged us both. Later I knew that she created those connections with people. It is not me, she is the special.
From that first time, between an exotic herbs and some sweets made by her, she told me that her dream was to create a community. I smiled surprised, but in reality I did not understand what I was referring to with “doing a community.”
On June 28, 2024, he founded a conscious life, a space for meditation, connection with the body and spirituality. Three months before he had begun to share content about numerology in his Instagram account. Five years earlier, a book of tantric numerology, written by Yogi Bhajan, had come to his life. Ten years before creating his group, he approached meditation for the first time. As some people happen, it reached the “world of spirituality” seeking to get out of a great emotional crisis.
Its crisis was caused by an unsuccessful business. When she was traveling to Russia and bought clothes to sell them in Cuba. On one of the trips he suffered a scam and lost the savings of years and the hope of leaving the “world of sales” to do something he really liked and made her feel useful.
Thanks to meditation he left his depressive state and changed his way of seeing life. “I was quite material at that time, I did not listen to my intuition. But I began to meet very beautiful people, because one changes their vibration, the way he thinks. ”
He began to experience a transformation that would be the seed of the person who is today. When he learned to read the numbers and tell his friends what he saw in them, that magic vibes that had asleep was widened. With numerology he helped a friend quit smoking. To another to find the focus, to focus on the important and give good channel to their energies. It has helped heal wounds and to change lifestyles.

Amanda has a degree in accounting and finance. He worked in foreign trade doing market studies, something that fascinated him. But, little by little, the need to foster other links around the spiritual issue was sneaking into his chest. With the support of her family and her husband, she has managed to dedicate most of her time to the community. He is a person listening carefully. Maybe that’s why he has a leader’s soul.
He eliminated the word “problems” from his vocabulary, prefers to talk about “situations” and thus see life, trying to learn from everything and everyone, starting with his little daughter, who is now 3 years old.
To create yours, she took references from another community led by a friend who lives outside Cuba. From that experience she conceived her space, in which a group accompanies her since then. The first meeting he summoned were only three friends and his brother. Thus began the trip of Amanda as a guide and apprentice. Then members were added and there are already so many that the dynamics must restructure to give each one time and space.
The community works through these face -to -face meetings and a WhatsApp group where each member generates almost daily exchanges. She works as a central axis, but the important thing is that the group has organic life, that there is interconnection. Through that support network, members share their life experiences, their concerns, their doubts on the spiritual journey.
Amanda wants everyone to feel important. That receives support the project of each one, that work experiences are linked.
Although they have as headquarters a house of El Vedado, they have gathered to meditate on the fifth of Los Molinos, in Morro-Cabaña, in the Almendares Park and near the Plaza de la Revolución.

I am half incredulous and unpleasant, I do not ask transcendental questions or dedicate time of my life to meditate. I have only done it a couple of times, when Amanda has invited me and I have been part of for a few hours, of that pretty energy that is created in the meetings of your community. She tells me, wisely, that she experiences and then thinks, that I do not close the connection with myself that the meditation offers. She recommends listening to my body and I only listen to her when my back hurts for writing hooded or when the clothes do not work for me and I assume that my body means me to do a little diet. I still have that way of thinking that is limiting, and my path of spirituality is cobbled. However, there is something that I am passionate about her, her practices, of her community: the meaning of the group.
The community is a space for dialogue. A place where each member has a value, knows that their voice will be heard and respected. A place where everyone is different and their life stories connect to a point of light and dark. Listening to different people and feeling them vibrate on the same frequency is something truly special.
While Amanda was guided meditation and community members rested on the grass, I felt that they were really connected, with themselves, with her, with the environment. I had an acalable leg, a closed eye and another open, but I watched how everyone else were at peace. A peace that could be breathed.

That day, when the session ended, they all sat down to talk as usual. They put some blankets and took the things to eat that each one had to share. What each one also showed the diversity of the group: nuts, bread with cheese, artisanal nachos, candies, salty cookie … each member of the community has a different lifestyle. Some came by bicycle, others by car, others on foot, others in Guagua. For me it was revealing to see them all sitting and in communion thanks to meditation. I know that, beyond practice, they embrace the idea of a plural space, where it is not judged, or required, where times are respected and learn to live in community.
There were pediatricians, models, a seller, a stomatologist, a writer, a housewife, communicators, economists, small business owners, an astrologer, university students, leaders from other communities and even a travel agent to Dubai. Each one told their sad experiences and how to meet Amanda had saved them. I know that coinciding with her means doing it with everyone else for her mediation. And that is precisely the value of the community she dreamed.
Many of the testimonies had a common denominator: “I did not believe in meditation.” One day they gave themselves to experience and changed their lives.
Maybe I get that day too; Meanwhile, I enjoy the peace of others and I respect my friend’s spiritual journey. A trip that has done good people well and that today continues to add bodies to that deep and human hug.