Delgado said that “we are not only the main interested in clarifying and collaborating and clarifying as soon as possible. If these chats that appear in the press are confirmed, he would be (NDR: Astesiano) using influences that he would have and must have the full weight of the law.
He also made reference to chats where Astesiano was hired by an American company to monitor two Broad Front legislators: Mario Bergara and Charles Carrera.
In this regard, he pointed out that “supposedly there would be a private company for eventual monitoring of two legislators. This is not serious, this is very serious, be they legislators, trade unionists, businessmen or citizens. If this is to be verified, the full weight of the law must fall on this person because this has to do with something that is inviolable, which is the quality of democracy.
“Delgado presented his statement to the prosecutor Gabriela Fossati. On his part, the statement is expected in the next few hours, also as a witness of the Deputy Secretary of the Presidency, Rodrigo Ferrés.
The Secretary of the Presidency had indicated days ago that “our obligation is to give him everything the prosecution needs to collaborate, as we have been collaborating since day one so that he takes all the elements he has to take”
Both were summoned since Alejandro Astesiano had an office in the Executive Tower.
Álvaro Delgado: “It is very serious if you want to spy on legislators”
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