The young man quit his job and sold all his belongings to start his life project.
News Antioquia
With a lot of effort and dedication, Alejandro Álvarez shows the world his project “The life is a trip”, a luxury mobile home for which he abandoned everything to fulfill his dreams.
At 33 years old, the paisa decided to live without worries and made a big decision that he does not regret: he quit his job, sold his house and vehicles to start the construction of his mobile home since his desire to travel, venture and store memories; he was stronger than anything else.
For now, he plans to tour Colombia and the rest of South America, in the company of his two pets: Celeste and Alaska.
Through his social networks, he shared his entrepreneurship turned into reality with the world and it has gone viral.
It’s not just any mobile home!
Alejandro has worked little by little with the help of his relatives to prepare his new home.
Four months ago, he bought the bus in the city of Bogotá and since then he has dedicated himself to organizing it with everything he needs to live, turning it into tremendous luxury.
This mobile home has an intelligent system and solar energy. Inside it is composed of a bed, desk, closet, kitchenette, shower, air conditioning, outdoor dining room and even a movie theater.
The comfort and space of the mobile home allows your two pets to feel comfortable.
Travel Influencer!
Alejandro wants to become an influencer of travel content, based on the tours he takes through each country and that he shares on his social networks.
In addition, he will form a family company for the design and finishing of apartments with home automation, that is, smart houses.
Also, he is looking for sponsors and is willing to carry company advertising in his mobile home.
Finally, he plans to travel through South America in the middle of next year, and his first destination would be Ecuador.
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