Acting president Geraldo Alckmin said this Friday (14th) that the government will promote neo-industrialization in the country. According to Alckmin, who is also Minister of Development, Industry, Commerce and Services, the process involves strengthening areas in which Brazil has installed capacity and potential to expand, such as aeronautics, aerospace, health and renewable energy.
“Brazil will grow, it will grow sustainably. The question has always been: where do I manufacture well and cheaply? Now is where I manufacture well, cheaply and manage to offset carbon emissions? It’s Brazil. Brazil is the great protagonist of this moment in the fight against climate change and in the advance of renewable energies”, he highlighted in an interview recorded for the program The Voice of Brazilfrom the Brazil Communications Company (EBC).
According to Alckmin, to leverage the industrial sector, which today represents 10% of the GDP and already accounted for 30% in the 70s and 80s, it is necessary to reduce interest rates and implement a tax reform.
As for the tax reform, the acting president estimates that it should be voted on in the first half of this year by the National Congress. One of the proposals is the unification of five taxes (IPI, ICMS, ISS, PIS and Cofins) into a single tax, called IVA, with the aim of reducing costs, encouraging the competitiveness of domestic products and exports.
Regarding interest, the acting president says he believes that rates will fall in view of the drop in inflation and the dollar. “We are sure that the Selic rate will drop, because March inflation was lower. Inflation is falling, the dollar has fallen, the stock market has risen and the new fiscal anchoring, which should be forwarded by President Lula in the coming days to the National Congress, which establishes fiscal responsibility and, at the same time, guarantees investments that Brazil needs”, he said.
A inflation slowed down for all income brackets in March, according to data released by the Institute of Applied Economic Research (Ipea). On the last day 12, the dollar had a strong fall and closed below $5 for the first time in ten months. The stock market rose and reached the highest level since the end of February.
The acting president said that the National Council for Industrial Development will be launched, which will debate proposals with the production chain and civil society. Alckmin also mentioned the recently launched Support Program for the Technological Development of the Semiconductor Industry (PADIs), which eliminates four taxes on the production of semiconductors and solar panels.