After changes in the Cabinet, Alberto Fernandez led an act in the province of Neuquén at the inauguration of the new Ramón Carrillo hospital in the town of San Martín de los Andes, where he spoke several sentences calling for the unity of the Frente de Todos (FdT), such as: “We cannot afford to be confronted.”
“This is the time where we have to be more united than ever because the country has a great opportunity,” said the leader at the inauguration of the hospital and added: “People are in need and they need us together.” The speech of Alberto Fernandez It happened without the participation of the Vice President of the Nation.
Alberto Fernandez He asked that “we bet on the common construction, that we are all necessary and no one is left over, we must all work in the same direction.” Referring to himself as “the most federal of porteños”, he announced that he had kept his word of distributing income adequately in the interior.
“We received a State where 70% of public works were paralyzed and debts reached $40,000 million,” continued the President. Regarding the coronavirus pandemic that his government went through, he said: “The pandemic exposed what was missing in health matters”, and regarding the subject, he concluded: “We had a decimated health system.”
“The State must be there to overcome social inequalities, where there is a need, there is a right,” he asserted. Finally, he spoke of the energy plan that he will carry out in the province of Neuquén: “Vaca Muerta will give us the opportunity to give the world the energy it demands, we can build another country, with another structure founded in Neuquén.”
The president did not negotiate with the vice president the appointments in the Cabinet
In the midst of the so-called internal FdT, the president is not in communication with vice president Cristina Fernández de Kirchner and neither has it been during the appointment of the new three ministers.
Last week it became known that three Cabinet ministers had resigned. Claudio Moroni from the Ministry of Labor, Juan Zabaleta from Social Development and Elizabeth Gómez Alcorta from the Ministry of Women, Gender and Diversity left their positions, faced with this situation, President Fernández had the obligation to choose his replacements. The election was without the help of the vice president, so it is estimated that their relationship is more distant every day.