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Agricultural entities expressed themselves about what happened with Cristina Fernández


Agricultural entities expressed themselves about what happened with Cristina Fernández

Agricultural entities expressed themselves about what happened with Cristina Fernández

Agricultural entities expressed themselves about what happened with Cristina Fernández


“We are agricultural producers, defenders of democracy, peace and justice, basic elements to preserve the Republic,” said the Argentine rural entities of the Liaison Commission

Cristina Fernández, Vice President of the Nation.

Reading time:

September 03, 2022 at 10:39

The Liaison Commission of Agricultural Entitiesafter the event that recently involved Argentine Vice President Cristina Fernández, issued a statement in which, among other considerations, it states: “We are agricultural producers, defenders of democracy, peace and justice, basic elements to preserve the Republic”.

The aforementioned commission is made up of representatives of four entities of the Argentine agricultural sector:

  • Agricultural Intercooperative Confederation
  • Argentine Rural Confederations
  • Argentine Agrarian Federation
  • Argentine Rural Society

In the statement, the commission expressed its “Emphatic rejection of all kinds of acts of violence in the lives of all Argentines, such as the one suffered by the Vice President of the Nation”.

He also requested to act “quickly and decisively” to clarify what happened “and bring peace of mind to all compatriots”.


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