Puerto Plata. The Chamber of Commerce and Production of Puerto Plata and the Foundation You are the Country (Funtueep) signed a collaboration agreement to launch the project “Cultural Day, Education and Road Safety” in this city.
The project, which will also have the collaboration of the Mayor’s Office of Puerto Plata, the Digesett, Politur, the provincial directorate of the Ministry of Culture, the neighborhood council of the Historic Center, Fine Arts and the Iván García Theater School, will be developed between the months of October 2022 and January 2023.
The plan will consist of 16 days, whose objective will be to raise awareness, through the art of pantomime, among the inhabitants of San Felipe de Puerto Plata about the importance of respecting traffic laws and regulations.
The agreement was signed between Mileyka Brugal, president of the Chamber of Commerce and Production of Puerto Plata, and Frindy Martínez Vela, president of Funtuepp.