Agência Brasil explains how to obtain the Youth ID

Agência Brasil explains how to obtain the Youth ID

The document is issued free of charge and serves to prove the bearer’s social condition, making it easier for him to enjoy the rights provided for in the Youth Statute, as established in the Decree No. 8,537 from 2015.Agência Brasil explains how to obtain the Youth ID

Young people between the ages of 15 and 29 who belong to families with a monthly income of up to two minimum wages – which is currently equivalent to R$ 2,424.00 – can request the document using the official application Young ID 2.0 or through the site of own benefit. The card is valid for six months, but it is possible to renew it at the end of the period.

To request the document, the interested party must be registered in the Single Register of the Federal Government (CadÚnico) and keep their personal information up to date. If you are not yet registered, you can register through the app or from own site of CadÚnico – an instrument created to allow the Government to identify, characterize and monitor low-income families that already receive some government social benefit or that are applying for it.

To obtain discounts on artistic, cultural and sporting events, the Youth ID holder must present it, along with an official photo ID, at ticket sales points. It is possible to print a copy of the card or use it in digital format, using the application for mobile phones.

The ID Jovem card is accepted in cinemas, film clubs, theaters and musical, performing arts and circus shows promoted by any entity and held in public or private establishments. It is also accepted at educational, sports, leisure and entertainment events where entry or participation is paid.

To acquire free tickets or with a 50% discount on interstate travel, the beneficiary must request a single travel ticket, at any point of sale, at least three hours before departure time. It is also possible to request, in advance, the issuance of the return travel ticket, observing the ticket sales procedures.

The benefit is valid for interstate trips by road, rail and water, on regular lines. The companies providing the service, however, are only obliged to offer two free spaces or with a 50% discount per trip. If you are unable to enforce your right, the young person who feels harmed may demand a document from the carrier’s attendants justifying the reason for refusing the trip on the day and time that must appear on the document. With this, the young person will be able to file a complaint at a service station of the National Land Transport Agency (ANTT) at the bus terminal or by telephone 166, at email [email protected] or WhatsApp number (61) 99688-4306.

*With information from GOV.BR portal

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