THE absence of just over 1 million subscribers in the Unified National Public Competition (CNPU) the candidate/vacancy ratio has changed. The new numbers were released this Wednesday (25) by the Ministry of Management and Innovation in Public Services (MGI).
You can check the new candidate/vacancy ratio at MGI website. There, data is available separated by thematic blocks and also by bodies participating in the competition.
As Minister Esther Dweck had already announced a few hours after the tests, the highest percentage of abstention was at the intermediate level, block 8. This block had the highest candidate-to-place ratio.
The eight thematic blocks are separated by area of activity, to fill 6,640 vacancies in 21 federal agencies, according to the candidate’s specialization or training.
Reservation Registration
The so-called Enem dos Concursos will have an unprecedented selection model, with the formation of a bank of approved candidates on a waiting list, for future calls, which will increase the chances of those approved being called.
With the initiative, each of the eight blocks will have a reserve list with twice the number of immediate vacancies in the respective block, which will result in 13,280 people in the approved candidate pool.
Block 1: 1,454 candidates on the reserve list;
Block 2: 1,194 candidates on the reserve list;
Block 3: 1,060 candidates on the reserve list;
Block 4: 1,942 candidates on the reserve list;
Block 5: 2,032 candidates on the reserve list;
Block 6: 718 candidates on the reserve list;
Block 7: 3,496 candidates on the reserve list;
Block 8: 1,384 candidates on the reserve list.
Total: 13,280 people on the reserve list