The president of the Economic Commission of the Congress of the Republic, Ilich Lopez (Popular Action), stated that the retirement savings withdrawals of the AFP They boosted the economy at a certain time, but they are not the formula we should expect as a country.
After stating that every pension system must aspire to ensure that citizens, when they reach old age, can live on their pensions, he said that the economy in Peru, a product of the pandemic and informality, makes Peruvians live for the day day to day, and don’t think about the future.
“Here comes the debate. I have my money right now and I reinvest it because the AFPs pay me a pittance. For this reason, decisions have been made in Parliament to withdraw AFP funds. In reality, I believe that people should not have hope in the AFP or the ONP, if the State as such, Congress and public policies through the Executive, made the economy become more dynamic,” he said in RPP.
When asked if the Legislature was wrong in authorizing so many withdrawals, even in 2024, I take into account that it is savings for retirement and many member accounts have remained at zero soles, the president of the Commission of Economy expressed that it has been a need for the population.
“Putting money in the hands of Peruvians, in some way, has helped there be more cash and people buying, which has boosted the economy… Many items had gone down and there was no money to inject, credit became more expensive. It is not the formula that we should expect from a country like Peru, at that time it has worked,” he explained.
López, likewise, explained that those moments of withdrawals of AFP funds have already passed and that now the congressional commission that he presides will dedicate itself to the issue of formalization so that more Peruvians have credits and can overcome their economic problems.
“What we need to see now is trying to expand the tax base. As? Making the informal ones formal, but for example giving them credit and for that this year we are going to encourage the State to use one of its financial arms, which are the municipal funds. We are going to promote the law to strengthen the assets of municipal funds,” he added.
His idea, he said, is that municipalities that do not spend the budget until the end of the year can use that money to put it in a municipal fund owned by the State and thus grant loans, mainly to micro and small businesses.
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