The withdrawal of funds from AFP which was approved for 2022, up to an amount of 4 UIT (S / 18,400), is in its final stretch. After the first stage of submitting the application was completed, according to the last digit of the DNI, an extension came into force to do it “freely” between July 26 and this Saturday, September 10 as a maximum term.
In this note we remind you of the steps to submit your application:
How do I request the withdrawal of my AFP?
This procedure is free and virtual through the official page and can be done from Monday to Friday from 08:00 to 18:00. It can be done in the country and from abroad. The link is valid for all AFPs (Habitat, Integra, Prima and Profuturo).
How is the requested fund disbursed?
The requested funds are delivered in three stages after the application is submitted:
- First disbursement of up to 1 UIT: within a maximum period of 30 calendar days, counted from the date on which the request was submitted to the AFP.
- Second disbursement of up to 1 UIT: within a maximum period of 30 calendar days, counted from the date on which the first disbursement was made by the AFP.
- Third disbursement for the remainder of the requested amount: within a maximum period of 30 calendar days, counted from the date on which the second disbursement was made by the AFP.
The money will be disbursed by the AFP in the bank account indicated by the member.
Can the withdrawal request be withdrawn?
In case a member wishes withdraw your request to withdraw pension funds, you can notify your AFP once, up to ten (10) calendar days before the date on which any of the three disbursements has been scheduled, thus revoking the payment of future disbursements that would have been scheduled.
For this purpose, the affiliate must submit his request in accordance with the channels and formats established by your AFPwhich must respond to the request through the means that allows the withdrawal to be recorded.