“The structure of this vehicle was designed to make investments and capital commitments in Mexico and internationally with greater flexibility. Likewise, it will allow significant savings in operating and administrative costs, making efficient use of resources, since it was structured under the scheme of subscription rights, which allows obtaining the best performance for the Siefores involved”, reported the Afore.
Since this year, the Afores have had to reduce the commission percentage they charge to workers for managing their resources. Afore XXI Banorte will charge 0.57% this 2022 from 0.80% that it charged in 2020.
Afore XXI Banorte also highlighted that with the CERPI it will now have one of the most sophisticated and diversified investment portfolios in the industry.
“The first series consists of subseries to group together the different Generational Siefores managed by Afore XXI Banorte. The division of said subseries allows matching or matching —in an agile and precise manner—, the investments made through this vehicle with the profile and the investment trajectory of the affiliates”, he pointed out.
The CERPI was placed by Lock Capital Solutions, a firm dedicated to asset management through this investment vehicle, and will be the administrator through a trust.