In the course of the afternoon, the DNCP published that A&F Engineering, Consulting and Construction SRL was awarded for a total value of G. 173,950,740, and managed to win the tender for the Construction of a Sports Track at the Basic School 68 Carlos Antonio López, Colegió Santa Rosa and Santa Librada College. with the ID 417.880. For this tender, offers began to be received on Tuesday, September 13, 2022.
Departmental Government of Itapua (ITAPÚA) was the institution in charge of carrying out the Call for Tenders No. 417,880 under the category of Construction, Restoration, Reconstruction OR Remodeling and Repair of Real Estateby the type of Direct Contracting procedure.
The aforementioned institution awarded 7 items.
The aforementioned firm has Fabio Ariel Fernández and Abundio Alejandro Óvalos as legal representatives.
Two more companies came to the call: Carlos Ramon Palacios Aponte and Federico David Fleitas Roa.
Source: DNCP