The presidential candidate, Crispiano Adames, affirmed that after June 11, the Democratic Revolutionary Party (PRD) “will be reborn like the phoenix”, strong, purposeful and principled, breaking paradigms.
“I am sure that this is going to happen, because we have captured it, we have listened to it, we have felt it at the national level in its grassroots structures and also in its formal structures,” said Adames.
The pre-candidate made a three-day tour of the province of Chiriquí adding vote to vote, house by house, specifically in circuit 4-3, accompanied by deputy and pre-candidate Juan Esquivel.
Adames reiterated that the PRD is a political collective of struggle, created under very precise conditions of the country’s historical reality, referring to the intergenerational struggle for sovereignty over the former Canal Zone.
He stressed that “this plus its multisectorality, its multiculturalism, its polyclassism, makes it an exemplary complex party, but also a belligerent party, where there is a crossroads of ideas historically to this day.”
He indicated that the rumor about divisionism has been caused by “the leadership of the government, through an anointed one”, contrary to the values that historically characterize the PRD, such as the full participation of its members in all its internal processes.
However, Adames expressed his positivity regarding the unity of the party after June 11, saying that “I feel that the party is going to get over it and history will absolve it.”
“The bases at the national level are clear for this June 11, so for those who think that the party is going to disappear, I assure you that you will not see its ashes.”