The acting President of the Republic, Senator Rodrigo Pacheco, signed this Thursday (9) the provisional measure that changes rules on strategic defense companies (EEDs), legal entities accredited by the Ministry of Defense for purchases, contracts and product development. and defense systems. The PM was published in Official Diary of the Union today (10).
The measure adds an article to include that the EEDs are “essential for the promotion of Brazilian scientific and technological development and fundamental for the preservation of national security and defense against external threats”.
Another provision in the text deals with the accreditation and de-accreditation of companies by the Ministry of Defense. The chapter authorizes the minister to disaccredit EEDs ex officio (by duty of the position), “in the interest of national defense”, guaranteeing the company’s right of defense.
The Minister of Defense can also deny a de-accreditation requested by the EED itself, “when there is a risk to the interest of national defense”, forcing the company to remain accredited for up to five years.
By the text of the MP, the Ministry of Defense is obliged to communicate the condition or loss of condition of EED to the National Department of Business Registration and Integration, a body subordinated to the Ministry of Economy. The commercial boards will have to communicate to the Ministry of Defense any act of alteration of the registrations of the EEDs.
The MP is valid until August 21, extendable for another 60 days. Parliamentarians have until next Tuesday (14) to present amendments. The text enters into an emergency regime on August 7, if it has not been appreciated by both Houses of Congress.
*With information from the Senate Agency