15 pharmacies that presented inaccuracies in the tests of the scanners; 12 advertising truthfulness errors; 5 pharmacies had expired and deteriorated products for sale, and 4 failed to have the expiration date on some medications.
Officials carried out inspections in more than 300 pharmacies. Photo: Courtesy
Some 192 private pharmacies nationwide, which were visited by the Authority for Consumer Protection and Defense of Competition (Acodeco), failed to comply with the obligation to register the prices of the Basic Basket of Medicines on the platform available on the web. (Cabamed).
According to Acodeco, they visited a total of 306 pharmacies and in addition to the aforementioned lack, they detected establishments not complying with the regulations, since 66 of these premises did not have the price list visible to the public; 5 did not maintain sight prices of the products.
15 pharmacies that presented inaccuracies in the scanner tests were also detected; 12 advertising truthfulness errors; 5 pharmacies had expired and deteriorated products for sale, and 4 failed to have the expiration date on some medications.
In total, some 299 pharmacies presented anomalies.
They highlighted that businesses that violate consumer protection provisions could be fined up to twenty-five thousand balboas (B/. 25,000.00).