Maduro decrees five Special Economic Zones and confirms infections in the government

According to the law, development of Special Economic Zones will be seen as “public utility”

The Organic Law of Special Economic Zones (ZEE), approved by the National Assembly (AN) of 2020, was published in the Official Gazette extraordinary number 6,710, on Wednesday, July 20. The development of the Special Economic Zones, including the economic activities carried out in them, “has a strategic nature, of general interest and public utility”

The Organic Law of Special Economic Zones (SEZ)approved by the National Assembly (AN) 2020, was published in the Official Gazette number 6,710 extraordinary, on Wednesday, July 20.

It is established that the Special Economic Zone is the geographical delimitation that has a special and extraordinary socioeconomic regime, “in whose polygonal planned strategic economic activities are carried out, in accordance with the objectives established in the Economic and Social Development Plan of the Nation” .

In this sense, it is indicated that The development of SEZs, “including the economic activities carried out in them, is of a strategic nature, of general interest and public utility.”

The Organic Law of Special Economic Zones emphasizes its objective of regulating the creation, organization, operation, administration and development of SEZs, “as well as the economic, fiscal and other incentives that are applicable, based on a model of sovereign economic development and national production that guarantees the productive chain, legal certainty, social justice and environmentally sustainable means.

On the other hand, in the law, the Development Areas are defined as the geographical areas that, within the Economic Zones, make up the Productive Poles. In this sense, “the Development Areas may include Motor Development Districts and will be delimited in the Decree creating the Special Economic Zone.”

For the operation of these zones, the economic activity agreement is foreseen, which will be an agreement between legal entities, national or foreign, public, and private.

In the same way, according to the Organic Law of the Special Economic Zones, there are two plans: the Development Plan of the Special Economic Zone and the Strategic Promotion Plan.

In the case of the Special Economic Zone Development Plan, it refers to the set of policies, programs and projects for the productive and social development of the SEZ, “in which the prioritized items and economic activities are organized and delimited, in accordance with the sectoral specialty of the area».

The Development Plan must include the Productive Development Poles, the Development Areas and the Motor Development Districts that are applicable.

Luis Barragan, deputy of the National Assembly (AN) of 2015 and leader of Encuentro Cuidadano, affirmed that «the special Economic Zones are savaging in areas of immense and long recognized environmental fragility, as is the case of Isla de la Tortuga. According to the specialists in the matter of our partisan organization, it constitutes a natural reserve in which no construction is allowed.

In an opinion article, released this Sunday, Barragán pointed out that the Nicolás Maduro regime decreed the SEZs that were already sung. “Everything seems to indicate that the law was the one that adjusted to the previously prepared conditions and not the other way around, making those interests wait for legal definitions,” he warned.

On July 20, Maduro announced the creation of five SEZs: Paraguaná (Falcón), Puerto Cabello-Morón (Carabobo), La Guaira, Margarita (Nueva Esparta) and La Tortuga.

Also read: Deputy Vera asserts that the Law of Economic Zones is six years in arrears in Táchira

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