The Lic. Gustavo Leite told channel GEN / Nación Media that it would not be unusual for President Mario Abdo Benítez to be preparing a new political blow, through Seprelad, against the Cartes Group. “It is characterized by permanent smoke screenswhen the reality is different: the pockets of Paraguayans are hit by the mismanagement of the government”, he said.
The former Minister of Industry and Commerce indicated that the entry of the coffin of the epepista leader Osvaldo Villalba to the Buen Pastor prison reveals that the guerrilla Carmen Villalba has powerful friends. “Everyone realizes that Carmen Villalba is a friend of the Government,” she said. She also highlighted that the achievement of the depletion in the north belongs to the Joint Task Force, despite the fact that Marito wants to claim it.
Regarding the political attack that Marito is orchestrating, the interviewee maintained that his political agenda includes having an enemy and that he was always Horacio Cartes. “The smokescreen has been working until now because the real debate is avoided. Marito’s tactic is to make his enemy, everyone’s enemy, ”he mentioned.
Find out more: Cornered by the political crisis, Abdo Benítez turns to loyalists and orders an attack on the Cartes Group
“It is difficult to take him as crazy because he did damage at an economic and institutional level, he is not crazy. He is unscrupulous, he lost his morale and he is inept to manage the State, his results are disastrous”, he added at another time.
? After the political cornering of the government, the president would be preparing an attack on Grupo Cartes, we spoke with Lic. Gustavo Leite: “It’s not strange, because it’s not the first time”
? @ElPutoAmoPy @EduAguilera_ @KikeEnciso @saruayala @seballano
– We are GENNow (@SomosGENNow) October 27, 2022
He also said that he does not know how the whole world observes us after the recent hot flashes, but what is certain and concrete is that “we are the only country in the world where The Government gives a criminal a visit to the coffin of her dead brother for a farewell”.
“The country’s institutions are damaged, the economy is not growing because not even Paraguayan capital is investing as before, and the December elections are awaited to see what direction the country will take,” he argued.
Finally, he explained that aside from the impoverishment of the citizenry, many people linked to the Government earned a lot of money during this state administration. “You have a government that is rich, and that was not when it came to power”He launched.
Related note: Abdo went from having 3,000 to 13,500 shares in companies, as stated
The entrance Abdo prepares a smoke screen, they criticize: “He is inept, unscrupulous and immoral” was first published in diary TODAY.