A strong storm of wind, rain and hail, after several days of intense heat, affected the city of Formosa, causing the blowing up of roofs and falling trees and cutting off electricity supply in neighborhoods of the provincial capital.
In this context, the Formosa municipality deployed a work plan to mitigate the consequences of the storm.
The actions focused on the points most affected by falling trees, branches, cables and structures affected on public roads.
The actions were immediate and the forecasts were taken from the meteorological alert, affecting crews of workers with appropriate machinery for emergency work.
The Municipality is carrying out tasks in different sectors of the city after the strong storm ⛈⚠️
Work was done immediately clearing fallen trees and branches. We ask citizens to circulate with caution to prevent any type of accident. pic.twitter.com/J8Om79946a
– Formosa Your City (@FormosaTuCiudad) February 25, 2023