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January 6, 2023
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A policeman shoots his partner dead and marks the first femicide of 2023 in Cuba

Feminicidio, policía, Guantánamo

MIAMI, United States. – A police officer shot and killed his partner in Guantánamo, marking the first known femicide on the island in the year just begun. The information, initially disseminated on social networks, was confirmed to CubaNet by the independent journalist Rolando Lobaina.

the local newspaper overcome too corroborated the crime on his Facebook page.

“Social networks reported, just over an hour ago, shots on Paseo street, in the city of Guantanamo. According to witnesses to the event, and their comments on Facebook, an officer of the [Policía] A motorist dressed as a civilian fired a firearm at her alleged partner and the driver of an ambulance where they were both going, in Paseo, between 1 and 2 del Oeste”, details the publication of overcome.

According to that source, the woman died in the hospital and the man was undergoing surgery at the Agostinho Neto General Teaching Hospital, a few minutes after noon.

“Apparently, the perpetrator turned himself in to law enforcement without putting up a fight,” the source also said.

For his part, journalist Rolando Lovaina told CubaNet that the murderer was chasing the ambulance from the El Salvador municipality, where he resides, because his wife (a doctor by profession) was inside.

The policeman is being held at the Guantanamo Criminal Operations Center, the reporter said.

This week, the Gender Observatory (OGAT) of the feminist magazine tautwings confirmed 34 femicides occurred in Cuba throughout 2022.

According to the magazine and its observatory, the provinces with the highest number of cases were Havana, with eight femicides; and Camagüey and Matanzas, with five each.

“Carrying out a complete record of the deaths of women due to sexist violence entails numerous difficulties and risks, because the island’s regime has been in charge of criminalizing all kinds of political activism, and also inhibits any possible citizen complaint,” he lamented. taut wingsone of the three independent platforms that, along with YoSíTeCreo in Cuba and the Cuban Women’s Network, counts sexist crimes on the island.

“We cannot fail to thank the courage of families, neighbors and citizens, who have denounced, on their social networks or through private means, the cases of femicides that have occurred in their respective communities,” added the post on Twitter.

“Let’s remember that accounting for sexist violence helps us to propose public policies that help eradicate it. Naming the femicides is doing justice, ‘the most basic exercise of reparation with all the victims of sexist violence,’” she declared.

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