After the message to the Nation from the President of the Republic peter castlethe economists Luis Miguel Castilla, former Minister of Economy and Finance, and Diego Macera, general manager of the Peruvian Institute of Economy (IPE), assured that it was a poor speech and without major recognition of errors.
“A poor speech, was within what was expected for what has been the management of the Government so far. The figures in economic terms, in most cases, were correct, but they did not paint the entire economic panorama that the country is experiencing”, Macera told this newspaper.
He added that errors were not recognized, such as the case of the exoneration of the General Sales Tax (IGV) to some products of the basic family basket, due to the poor design it had, and when he realized “blamed bad practices”.
Likewise, Macera maintained that great care must be taken when the President Pedro Castillo offers that they will collect more than S / 30,000 million of tax debts owed by private companies.
“One part is an amount of controversy, so citizens or companies have rights if they believe that Sunat is not being fair with a claim, so it is debatable. Moreover, the Executive has nothing to do with this”, he referred.
He also expressed that the issue of employment was not presented in a clear way, since he omitted the real income of what families that are 12% below the pre-pandemic can buy.
“It was half true because they didn’t tell the full story. The same with private investment last year, what he did not say is that this year, with mineral prices, it could be a huge opportunity to attract much more investment than what was achieved”, he asserted.
Along these lines, the IPE representative mentioned that when copper was above US$4.00, mining investment such as Las Bambas, Toromocho, Cerro Verde could be pushed, but now we no longer have any more projects to show.
“For 2023, a drop in mining investment of approximately 15% is projected, precisely because there is no project that can replace Quellaveco’s this year, when large projects that were in the pipeline could be taken out, but we were stuck.”, he narrowed down.
there was no surprise
For Luis Miguel Castillathe presidential message did not propose solutions to the country’s economic crisis.
“It was a speech without major surprise and does not reflect the reality of the country. Peru is slowing down because it has missed opportunities, it is a country that is becoming precarious and they have a serious problem of trust and credibility. The Government has not raised anything to resolve these issues in this regard”, he pointed.
He added that there were omissions regarding the mining conflict and that it has not been said how it will ensure that private investment grows.
“There is talk of works for taxes, but there are no works of short-term relevance. In economic matters, there are other countries that have grown more than Peru in the first quarter, such as Chile, which grew twice as much as our country. We were able to increase more because there were social conflicts and private investment was paralyzed“, I note.
Castilla also mentioned that peter castle he did not mention how the economy will be formalized.