Open to the public in Plaza Independencia
One of the most important cultural proposals of 2024 and with totally different characteristics, was developed at the end of the year in the city of Melo.
With the support of the Municipality of Cerro Largo, Radio Río Branco and Diario El Profesional among other institutions and organizations, a photography exhibition about the town of Campamento was set up in Plaza Constitución.
This is a project, presented by Professor Víctor Da Costa, which was selected at the time by the Regional Fund for Culture of the Ministry of Education and Culture.
“We are very happy and grateful for the opportunity that the MEC, the Municipality and the sponsors who collaborated have given us, but we are also extremely happy for the interaction that there was with the public” stood out.
“We really didn’t expect so many people.” he admitted. “We know that photography exhibitions are not extremely top of the line. In that sense we must add that it was held on a Saturday, at a totally atypical time, with the December holidays in the middle and on a day that was threatening in terms of the possibility of rain being recorded.” he pointed out. “In the morning about 30 people came together to interact with the exhibition, tell us their anecdotes and explain their relationship with Campamento. Many people widely and positively valued what we did in trying to rescue the collective memory, the cultural and identity memory of the places, which for us is fantastic” broad.
“We leave very happy, very grateful and above all very motivated because we have done other photographic exhibitions where many more people have attended, but we have also done others where much fewer people have attended, but of all of them what we have achieved is constant learning” valued the Professor Victor Da Costa.
He maintained that the response he received from the population in atypical conditions serves as an impetus for the sample to be repeated at other times of the year in different locations. “We are going to nourish it with other things that we discovered that people also want to see” commented to THE DIARY PROFESSIONAL.
“We are going to give the opportunity to have a permanent exhibition in a longer period of time and in a more accessible space and for people to go when they can” he stated.
“To be a first experience, to put it on the street, to take its pulse, we are very happy” synthesized the artist.
“No less than a dozen people approached us with proposals that open the door to new possibilities. In addition, there is everything else, continuing to enrich this exhibition by strengthening it with other aspects such as the transcription of the interviews we did, seeing if there is a writer and historian friend who is out there who in due time could lend a hand in the construction of a printed material that combines the text with the image, a friendly printing company that may eventually be available” he posed. “All of this combines into a great opportunity” he added.
Several of the works clearly show the passage of time in the buildings that still remain in Campamento. “It is nothing more and nothing less than the passage of time through rural architecture. When talking about the subject we imagine the ranch in its right size, but at the same time we appreciate the passage of time in the same wall segment by segment. “Reconstruction, human intervention and coexistence with nature are very representative and significant aspects” noted Victor Da Costa.
“A typical rural construction is not something that can generate so much surprise in people. We are used to seeing what is left. But seeing these details is very attractive” he concluded.