Judge Amauri Martínez of the Third Court of Instruction of the National District, postponed this Monday the knowledge of the preliminary judgment against the former administrator of the National lottery and nine more implicated in the case Operation 13.
The case will be heard this coming Friday at 9:00 in the morning at the Ciudad Nueva Palace of Justice.
In the postponed hearing, the lawyers of Luis Dicent, former administrator of the house that governs games of chance, sought the cessation of the preventive detention of the accused and the exclusion of the State as plaintiff of betting banks, the exclusion of the evidence presented by the Public Ministry and that an order of no place be issued.
For Friday, it will be up to the Public Ministry to present a reply to what was raised and later the defense will have to make the counter-reply.
MP’s arguments when leaving the court
The deputy prosecutor representing the Public Ministry, Wilson Camacho, stated that among the material evidence presented is the raffle bowlingwhich were already shown to the defense of the defendants.
“Whenever the defense requests to see evidence or that a judge indicates that it should be shown, we show it without any inconvenience,” Camacho said.
He said that, in relation to the fate of the case, none of the defenses has been able to argue coherently.
He indicated that six of the ten defendants have agreed that the case be sent to trial, evidencing the strength of the file.
The case includes Luis Maisichell Dicent, former director of the National lottery; William Lizandro Rosario Ortiz, Eladio Batista Valerio, Valentina Rosario Cruz, Jonathan Brea, Carlos Berigüete and Felipe Santiago Toribio, Edison Manuel Perdomo Peralta, Miguel Mejía and Rafael Mesa. Fugitive Leónidas Medina Arvelo (Nazareth) is also linked to this case.
The group is accused of fraud in the lottery registered in the National lottery on May 1 of last year, whose defrauded amount amounts to more than 500 million pesos.