Only seven benches of the Congress introduced to its eight guests in the new election process for the next Ombudsman that will be carried out by the special commission of this Power of the State.
Is about Víctor García (Popular Renewal), Gastón Soto (Somos Perú), Ricardo Velásquez (Free Peru), Jorge Rioja (Democratic Peru), Beatríz Ramírez (Democratic Change), Cayo Galindo (Teachers’ Bloc) and Carlos Castro and Miguel Soria (Popular Action).
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Víctor García is a lawyer from the USMP and has been a magistrate of the Constitutional Court (2002-2007). Between 2005 and 2006, he assumed the presidency of the aforementioned constitutionally autonomous entity. He was also Minister of Justice in 2010 during the government of Alan García Pérez. This becomes more relevant because in the previous process —in which he was arrested before an order from the Judicial Branch— he was summoned by the Popular Action, Alliance for Progress (APP) and People’s Renewal (PR).
Gastón Soto is a lawyer from the USMP and works as an undergraduate and postgraduate professor at the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. He was also a regular member of the National Elections Jury representing the Lima Bar Association (2000-2004 and 2004-2008). In the period 2010-2015, he was Counselor of the National Council of the Judiciary, elected by the private study houses.
On the other hand, Ricardo Velásquez is a lawyer from the San Luis Gonzaga National University of Ica. He was general secretary of the Ministry of Labor and Employment Promotion from April 2015 to August 3, 2016, becoming an advisor to the ministerial office of that sector.
For his part, Jorge Rioja is a lawyer from the UNMSM and He has worked in Congress, where he held different roles as an advisor to the Oversight Commission (2009-2010). and specialist in the Constitution Commission (2011-2012).
Beatriz Ramírez is a lawyer from the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru and She was the main advisor to the office of former congresswoman Indira Huilca from August 2016 to March 2020. Furthermore, he belonged to Ministry of Women and Vulnerable Populations (MIMP), where I work as an advisor to the Vice Ministerial Office for Women (2013-2016).
Another PUCP lawyer nominated is Cayo Galindo, who was a congressman during the period 2006-2011, forming part of the Nationalist Party bench. During his term, he was a regular member of the Constitutional Commission, the Justice and Human Rights Commission, the Subcommittee on Constitutional Accusations, among others.
The Popular Action bench presented two proposals for the post of Ombudsman, the first is Carlos Castro, a lawyer for the PUCP. He has been a senior adviser and coordinator in regulatory quality in the Secretariat of Public Management of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers (2017-March 2019). In addition, she has worked in Congress as a member of the Advisory Committee of the Special Group for the Evaluation of the Law (2014).
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Miguel Soria is the second proposal made by the aforementioned bench, who is a lawyer for the USMP. Regarding his public career, he worked in the Supranational Specialized Public Prosecutor’s Office (2011). In 2017 he was legal advisor to the State Legal Defense Council. A year later, he assumed the title of the Vice Ministry of Human Rights and Access to Justice.
Peru Bicentennial and APP speak out
Although Fuerza Popular, APP, Avanza País and Perú Bicentenario did not present their guests, there is some indication that, possibly, César Acuña’s party supports Víctor García. The latter due to the fact that, in the first process of the election of the Ombudsman, APP presented the now RP candidate to assume ownership of the body.
In this regard, the spokesperson for the APP caucus, Eduardo Salhuana told La República that the issue will be discussed in the following days. “No one has been presented because our candidate, who was Dr. García Toma, was already presented by another bench. On Tuesday we have a meeting with the bench and it will be defined there, ”he commented.
For his part, the congressman from Peru Bicentennial Jorge Coayla affirmed that his bench has a certain inclination for the candidate Víctor García. “We have not yet decided who (to choose), (…) but there is Mr. García Toma,” he said for this newspaper.
A new episode: checkout process ends tomorrow
According to the schedule, the process to formulate the strikeouts is scheduled for this Monday, July 11 and Tuesday, July 12. Here the blemishes will be presented accompanied by documented evidence and substantiated complaints, either in person or virtually.
In the latter case, you will be sent to the email of the aforementioned working group, which is led by Freddy Díaz Monago, from APP.
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From July 11 to 13, the crossed out or denounced applicant will be notified to their respective email.
During those days, the candidates will present their affidavit before the Comptroller. Following the guidelines, from July 14 to 16, the crossed out or denounced candidates will make their respective discharges.