These numbers show a setback for the opposition alliance “Va por México”, made up of the PAN, PRI and PRD, which in June led the voting intention with 44%, two points more than the collation of Morena, PVEM and PT that had registered 42%.
According to the survey, Morena has 38% of the effective intention to vote; the PAN, 21%, and the PRI, 16%. Adding the allies, the Morena bloc captures 46% support, while the PAN, PRI and PRD add up to 42%.
Despite having been slightly higher in preferences for three months in a row, the PAN-PRI-PRD bloc has been falling slightly, from 47% in April to 42% this month.
Martí Batres, the favorite to be a candidate
The survey also revealed that the capital’s government secretary, Marti Batresand the secretary of Security and Citizen Protection, Rosa Icela Rodriguez, stand out in the preferences of Morena’s supportersas possible candidates for the Head of Government.
As revealed by the most recent survey of The financial, carried out from July 1 to 3, Batres was mentioned by 26% of the morenistas as their favorite, while 23% pointed out Rodríguez. The third place was occupied by the capital’s Secretary of Security, Omar García Harfuch, with 16% of the mentions.
In the opinion and knowledge that they have before the capital’s public opinion, the three characters are very even: Rosa Icela Rodríguez registered a 30% favorable opinion and 67% knowledge, while García Harfuch had 29% positive and also 67% knowledge. . On the other hand, Martí Batres registered 28% positive opinion and added 70% knowledge.