Conditions must also be made more flexible to provide better and prompt attention, since more cases such as that of the young man from Jalisco may arise. In addition, 20% of the Mexican population suffers from some type of disability, according to the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (Inegi).
According to the official, the application of tax regulations is complex, and most of the problems disclosed by taxpayers are not caused intentionally, but are due to the rigid tax system that prevails.
“There are SAT service operation manuals for all people and there is an annex for special cases, they are elderly, disabled, pregnant, there is a different protocol to meet the needs of a diverse society,” he said.
However, there are conditions that must be modified in order to improve care. For example, file 105 of the Federal Tax Code (CFF) in which it is missing to specify if people with disabilities, and according to what type of disability, may or may not designate a legal representative to carry out procedures, contract obligations or replace his will, explained the delegate.
Daniel Robles Haro said this week that the SAT gave him his electronic signature.
“The truth is, what happened on the SAT affected me a lot personally. I arrived at my house. I wrote the thread to vent and share it with someone and then went to sleep trying to forget about it.
“What I didn’t expect is that he would have the response that he did. And now I’m happy, I think this helps make people with severe cerebral palsy like mine more visible.” detailed in a column published on the website of the “Yo Tambien” Foundation .