Luis Vera Llerena, Commander General of the National Police of Peru (PNP), referred critically to the statements made by the President of the Council of Ministers, Hannibal Torreswho compared the work of his institution and that of Armed forces with that of the peasant rounds.
“As the Joint Command of the Armed Forces has ruled, the Police also do not agree with these kinds of versions. We already know that he has apologized.” the high command told RPP radio.
“We have to respect this institution, which is a great institution, which is the National Police of Peru, who is making great achievements for the society. We are respectful of the comments, but we continue working ”, he added.
What did Anibal Torres say?
Last Thursday, Torres Vásquez participated in a decentralized Council of Ministers in Cajamarca. In his pronouncement, he highlighted the role of the peasant patrols.
“The patrols arose in Chota and really and effectively combated crime, crimes against property in general, violence against women, We would already like our police forces and our Armed Forces to provide the same security to the entire countrythe peasant patrols are recognized by the Constitution, they have autonomy, they have a jurisdictional function, but without violating fundamental rights”, said.
After criticism came from different sectors for these statements, Torres Vásquez apologized on his social networks.
“Sand with this I have offended the Armed Forces I apologize and I ratify my commitment to join efforts to strengthen said institutions”, Aníbal Torres pointed out through his official Twitter account.