This Friday, July 8, the FA launched the Development Plan that consists of opening 100 committees throughout the country, in order to go from the current 400 to 500.
In this sense, Fernando Pereira said that the political plan of the Broad Front is preparing to win the elections. He explained that this implies the “Plan the FA Listens to You”, and at the same time “The plan of 500 committees”.
He said that the 100 new committees will be located in those places where the Broad Front does not yet have territoriality, in some places on the outskirts of Montevideo, in many small population centers in the interior of the country. “That is to say, where the Frente Amplio exists, but there is no place to meet and build community.”
He stated that it is not easy to quantify the cost, because some are garages or large sheds that the neighbors make available, and in other cases the Broad Front will rent.
Regarding the financial structure, Pereira remarked that the FA has been sustained by the people, it depends on its militants, who pay a monthly fee. “Today there are about 15,000 Uruguayans in the military. We intend to have contact with 60,000 Uruguayans throughout the country and that implies an organizational and financial structure,” he said.