A balance of the first school quarter of the year 2022, showed that students in official schools in the country have greater deficiencies in subjects such as mathematics, Spanish and English, as reported by the Ministry of Education (Meduca), through a report.
The report highlights that the greatest deficiency was noted in the subject of mathematics where the average students, 21% obtained low grades, while, for average 19% did not pass the subject and, in primary, it was 7% this according to statistical data collected from the entry of grades in the bulletins through the Educational Centers Administration System (Siace),
Regarding Spanish, 8% of primary school children did not pass, 19% in middle school and 13% in average did not obtain the minimum grade to pass the course. The other subject in which students find difficulties is in English, in which 5% of children in elementary school, 14% in middle school and 15% in high school did not have the minimum grade to pass it.
The statistics show the deficiencies of the students who, at the end of the first school term, do not assimilate the necessary knowledge, especially in the aforementioned subjects.
The notes captured in Siace for mathematics throughout the country reveal that 698,621 students enrolled, of which 24,255 did not register a note; 67,357 have a mean range of 1.0 to 2.9; 294,577 passed with a grade of 3.0 to 3.9; meanwhile, 179,821 passed with a grade of 4.0 to 4.5 and 132,611 students from various educational levels passed to the next grade with a grade of 4.51 to 5.0.
Second, it was found that in Spanish there are also deficiencies for students in the official sector. In total, 697,995 were registered at different levels, of which 23,678 did not have a grade in their report cards in that subject; 48,192 had a rating lower than 2.9; another 288,837 students obtained grades from 3.0 to 3.9; a group of 206,437, passed with a range of 4.0 to 4.5 and 130,851 concluded with grades between 4.51 and 5.0.
As a third subject that draws attention due to the number of failures, there is English, in which 695,256 students enrolled, of which 31,459 appear without a note in Siace; 32,120 obtained a grade lower than 2.9; meanwhile, some 243,547 passed with a grade of 3.0 to 3.9; another 206,674 students have averages between 4.0 and 4.5 and 181,456 passed the subject with more than 4.51.