The plenary of the Chamber of Deputies approved this Wednesday a provisional measure that releases R$ 1.2 billion for the Sustainable Agriculture program. The objective is to compensate for the losses of family farmers affected by the drought in the states of Mato Grosso do Sul, Paraná, Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina. The text goes to the Senate for analysis.
The funds will be allocated to rural producers in municipalities in these four states that have declared an emergency or a state of calamity. The money will be applied within the scope of the National Program for Strengthening Family Agriculture (Pronaf). The condition for farmers to receive the funds is that they are not covered by Proagro or Seguro Rural.
According to the Ministry of Economy, rainfall levels in the 2021/2022 harvest were below the historical average. The Executive Branch will grant discounts of up to 58.5% on the installments of financing contracted by farmers under Pronaf, due between January 1 and June 30.
The extraordinary credit will not be subject to the spending cap, according to the Ministry of Economy.
* With information from the Câmara de Notícias Agency