The information was released in the virtual forum Education, inclusion and human development: Everyone’s commitment, held on June 30 by the Multisectoral Permanent Council for the Implementation of the National Commitment to Education (Copeme).
The educational lag is greater than the country had before the pandemic and among the reasons for this reality is the marked inequality that exists in Panama, regarding access to computers and the Internet.
Martín Fuentes, coordinator in Panama of the National Human Development Report of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), revealed to the newspaper La Prensa, that in the last six months of 2021 the percentage of use of laptops, laptops and tablets it was very low. For example, in the provinces of Panama and West Panama it barely reached 50%, while in the rest of the provinces and indigenous regions it did not even exceed 10%.
He recognized that progress has been made in terms of internet access through the purchase of data, but this makes it difficult for it to be a permanent service to which the population has access.
The information was released in the virtual forum Education, inclusion and human development: Everyone’s commitment, held on June 30 by the Multisectoral Permanent Council for the Implementation of the National Commitment to Education (Copeme).