shaking inside Together for Peru (JP). Through documents sent to the National Executive Center (CEN) of the left-wing party and the National Elections Jury (JNE), 14 JP militants in Lambayeque they resigned to the aforementioned political organization led by the current Minister of Foreign Trade and Tourism, Roberto Sánchez Palomino.
Among the resignations are the founders of the Peruvian Humanist Party (PHP), a group previously represented by Yehude Simon Munaro and that he gave his electoral registration to JP in 2017 with the aim of forming a political alliance with a view to the presidential and regional elections. The decision to step aside was made official on July 1.
“We always had the vision of building a political party that would become an alternative government for the benefit of the large majorities that had been long neglected (…), however, sectarianism, mediocrity and opportunism made abort our great objective, bringing as a consequence that Together for Peru, to date, is directed by a tiny number of people who only see their personal and group interests”, the document begins.
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Next, it adds: “The centrally imposed candidates for the electoral elections to be held on October 2 (…), with the exceptions in the districts of Pueblo Nuevo, Mesones Muro, Incahuasi, Pucalá and Pimentel do not represent the feelings of our militancy. founder of PHP. Consequently, we have decided give up en masse before the JNE to our militancy of JP and return to our original principles and ideology of the PHP”.
Regarding this last part, it was learned that the militancy and leadership of the local JP was against the CEN has imposed —according to the founder of PHP, Marco Cardoso Montoya— Juan Carrasco Millones as a candidate for the Regional Government of Lambayeque, and Janet Cubas Carranza as a candidate for the municipal chair of the province of Chiclayo.
Precisely, Cardoso Montoya is one of the renunciates. Also Moisés Ángeles Damián, Rubén Santisteban Gutiérrez, Graciela Cunya Castro; Luis Becerra Arribasplata, Dina Rivera Castillo; Gilberto Gonzales Bernal and Jorge Távara Huarnizo. Similarly, Nikol Carrasco Távara, Carlos Farro Rivadeneira, Segundo Vásquez Gómez; Marlene Bautista Cunya, María Tello Gálvez and Noé Ramírez García.