The Communications Services Regulatory Unit (Ursec) updated this Monday the data of users who registered in the registry Do not call. According to official information, two months after the launch of the program they have already registered 130,606 phone numberscounting physical and mobile.
The registry was put into operation on April 30. It was created by article 181 of the 2020 Rendering of Accounts that entered into force on January 1 of this year. However, the government had up to 120 days to regulate it, and President Lacalle Pou signed the decree on April 22.
Ursec recalled that the registration or cancellation of Do Not Call must be done by the user or owner of the service through their telephone operator. Enrollment in Do Not Call prevents the user from receiving calls, text messages and communications by WhatsApp and Telegramalthough it does not prevent emails.
The three telephone companies (Antel, Claro and Movistar) offer three ways to enroll in the registry. Through the website of each company, in person or by SMS 6622. Following the user’s request to register, the company has five days to send Ursec a list with the numbers of service holders who requested not receive calls or messages.