The Weekly Consumer Price Index (IPC-S) retreated in four of the seven capitals surveyed by the Getulio Vargas Foundation (FGV), from May to June this year. The biggest drop was registered in Rio de Janeiro, as inflation fell by 0.46 percentage points in the period, from 0.51% to 0.05%.
Other declines were recorded in Recife (-0.27 percentage point, when changing from 1.28% to 1.01%), São Paulo (-0.23 percentage point, when changing from 0.54% to 0.31% ), Salvador (-0.09 percentage point, from 1.15% to 1.06%).
Despite this, the national IPC-S, released last week, rose 0.17 percentage points, from 0.50% in May to 0.67% in June.
The rate increase was driven by three capitals. The biggest increase was observed in Brasília: 1.33 percentage points, when moving from a deflation (price drop) of 0.14% to an inflation of 1.19% in the period.
The cities of Belo Horizonte (0.80 percentage point, from 0.12% to 0.92%) and Porto Alegre (0.58 percentage point, from 0.34% to 0. 92%).
The CPI-S is calculated based on prices collected weekly in seven of the largest cities in the country.