On Friday, June 24, the prosecutor Fátima Girala ordered a search and location order for José Ozuna, which was later communicated to the National Command.
Now, Girala requested that the images of the victim be disseminated in all police stations, nationwide. Likewise, she required the intervention of the Codeni and the Ombudsman for Children.
Days ago, it was established again in the area and at the home of the 12-year-old boy, whose whereabouts are unknown. This, in order to obtain more elements that can contribute to the investigation. Also, circuit images that can contribute to the investigation continue to be collected.
Along the same lines, after the first days of disappearance, it required the intervention of the Specialized Unit in the Fight against Trafficking in Persons of the Prosecutor’s Office and the Anti-Kidnapping Department of the National Police to assist in the search for the minor, who suffers from epilepsy and requires medication.
For any information that could help locate him, call the 911 System, the nearest Police Station or Prosecutor’s Office, or the Sector 1 Prosecutor’s Office on Félix Bogado almost 21 Projected.
The entrance Prosecutor reiterates search for missing child in Barrio Obrero was first published in diary TODAY.