The National Administration of Public Education (ANEP) asked for a budget increase $57.6 million. But behind the numbers, the Accountability message that the president of Codicen, Robert Silva, delivered to Parliament hides some of the axes of the educational reform.
In the previous administration, when he was still a counselor representing teachers, Silva demanded that teachers and professors move up in grade or that they choose their hours by contest (read by merit and training) and not only by seniority (as privileged by the current system). In the current management, as president of Codicen, he insisted on the need to advance in the contests to achieve the transformation. And now, with the Surrender, Resources are requested so that from the second semester of this year the first calls for high school and UTU teachers begin.
ANEP requested an incremental $74 million for the first year and another $148 million the following year, aimed at passing the degree through competition. This week, in turn, the counselors will vote on a contest schedule so that “what is happening does not happen: there are subjects that have not been called for eight years,” Silva explained to The Observer.
These items are part of a strategy that the education government calls “strengthening the teaching function.” Because in addition to the contests it includes other $311 million for directorsdeputy directors and inspectors have a salary increase “that makes a difference”.
It happens that in some educational centers the oldest teachers earn more money than the directors who have the greatest responsibility. That makes the managerial career unattractive. And part of the educational reform is based on directors being able to put together their work teams, institutional projects and lead the transformation.
In particular, there will be an increase for those teams that work in vulnerable areas. Today the ANEP has three indicators to quantify the context in which a school or high school is immersed. The authorities propose to unify the criteria and, once the new parameter is established, pay a differential to those who work in the most critical areas.
Finally, the “strengthening of the teaching role includes $5 million to promote research,” added the president of Codicen, who pointed out that “it is very good news for the country that extraordinary resources are being allocated for education.”
other numbers
For the curricular transformation, the one that has the base document that the Codicen approved at the end of the first quarterANEP requested almost $488 million for the first year. This includes the creation of support positions (facilitators), of those who will coordinate project-based learning and other personal services.
The María Espínola Centers, the modified version of the “model high schools” proposed by the Colorado Party in the campaign, will require (according to the message of the autonomous entity) $164 million. It supposes, above all, the hiring of personnel and the coverage of hours. With this money (and another additional $376 million next year) it is intended to reach 60 stores. Food in these centers will come out of the Primary tax.
This equity policy, as Silva calls it, also has the challenge of doubling the number of students from the poorest areas enrolled in schools with extended teaching time. Today only 22% of the poorest schoolchildren work double time in an educational center, and the Administration wants to reach 40% at the end of the five-year period.
Then there is more than $616 million of the works plan. More than half of that “is a deficit in UTU inherited from the previous administration.”
Lastly, there is 200 million investment in infrastructure and $293 to increase the hours of service assistants. Silva clarified that, apart from the Surrender, the Ministry of Economy promised to give another US$22 million for cleaning and renovation of equipment.
This is how things are: there is a US$ 27 million difference between the Executive’s message and ANEP’s. That does not take into account salary recovery.
“What is requested are additional resources to the ANEP budget, which is added to what is already in place and external debt. Be that as it may, the curricular transformation begins in 2023”, Silva stated.