This Thursday, June 30, the National Teacher’s Day is celebrated in the country. This celebration seeks to pay tribute to teachers and professors who play an essential role in our education and culture.
“The Teacher’s Day” was consecrated on June 30 through Resolution No.6-39 dated June 6, 1939, being Secretary of State for Justice, Public Education and Fine Arts Virgilio Díaz Ordóñez.
Teacher’s Day is commemorated in more than 100 countries around the world on different dates, with June being the month in which most celebrations of this festive day coincide in Latin America, as countries such as Bolivia, Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua and the Dominican Republic celebrate the Day. of the Master during this month.
According to history, due to public policies for the universalization of education, the commemoration of teaching work was established in different parts of the world.
The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)declared in 1994 on October 5 as World Teachers’ Day.
This festivity coincides with the birthday of the late political leader and founder of the Dominican Liberation Party (PLD) and the Dominican Revolutionary Party (PRD), Juan Bosch.
Bosch was a renowned essayist, novelist, narrator, historian, educator, and president of the Dominican Republic. He was born in the Dominican municipality of La Vega in 1909 and died at the age of 92 in Santo Domingo.