The first vice president of Congress, Lady Camonessummoned all the parliamentarians for the next plenary session on Thursday, June 30, where the motion of censure against the Minister of the Interior, Dimitri Senmache, will be seen.
The parliamentary director general, Javier Ángeles, was the one who sent the summons to the legislators in the name of Camones, who is in charge of the presidency of the institution, detailing that the Plenary Session of Congress will be held in person from 10:00 a.m.
“By order of the first vice president in charge of the presidency of the Congress of the Republic, I comply with summoning you to the face-to-face session of the Plenary that will be held on Thursday, June 30, 2022, at 10:00 am in the session chamber”, reads the announcement.
LOOK: Minister Senmache on motion of censure: “I will accept what Congress sees fit to decide”
This session will see the motion of censure against the head of the Ministry of the Interior, which was presented by the Fuerza Popular bench on June 23 after obtaining the necessary signatures.
Said document bears the signatures of 34 legislators, the majority from Fuerza Popular, Avanza País and Renovación Popular, in addition to Karol Paredes (Popular Action), Kira Alcaraz (Somos Perú), Gladys Echaíz and Roberto Chiabra (both from Alianza para el Progreso). .
The motion accuses the head of the Ministry of “omission of functions and management incapacity” after the clashes in the Arequipa district of Atico.
In addition, he is accused of “serious functional responsibility” by “inaction and laziness” to locate and capture fugitives Juan Silva Villegas, Bruno Pacheco and Fray Vasquez Castillonephew of the president peter castle.