Rural Agriculture still does not cancel the process of the second purchase of fertilizersdespite the decision of the Minister of Agrarian Development and Irrigation, Andrés Alencastre, and the irregularities denounced by the Comptroller General of the Republic.
Carlos Ortiz, a member of the negotiation committee for the contracting of fertilizers, pointed out that the issuance of a report to declare the nullity is missing and accused Alencastre of committing abuse of authority for “advance opinion.”
“It would be necessary to ask the minister why he was interested in annulling it, because he should have expected to raise the observations. The minister to cancel has committed abuse of authority because he should have used the channels”Ortiz pointed out in dialogue with RPP.
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According to the legal advisor, despite the Comptroller’s observations and the broadcast of an audio about an alleged bribe in the purchase of fertilizers, the nullity process must follow a series of steps to materialize.
“The Comptroller sends a report where there are observations, then they give a deadline until June 27 to raise observations. We have already presented the report, now the Comptroller’s Office, through the OCI, must weigh and see if it has been raised [las observaciones]”Ortiz noted.
“If it has not been raised, only the minister, upon becoming aware of this result, could formally request the annulment through the executive director. That is why there is a document from June 23 wanting someone to make the report to declare the nullity “he explained.
LOOK: Fertilizers: audios would reveal that there was bribery involved in the tender granted by AgroRural
On the other hand, Ortiz assured that he had no knowledge of the alleged irregularities in the process or of the possible bribe of US$ 8 million.
“There is a due procedure, a principle of presumption of innocence and a principle of legality. I was hired as an advisor to the committee by order of service. I have done things transparently”he claimed.