The Business Entrepreneur Confidence Index (ICEC) rose 5.1% from May to June this year and reached 122.4 points, on a scale of 0 to 200 points. It is the highest level of the indicator since March 2020 (128.4 points), according to published data. today (28) by the National Confederation of Trade in Goods, Services and Tourism (CNC).
Entrepreneurs’ confidence in the current situation rose 9.9%, mainly due to the 12.4% increase in the assessment of the current economic situation. Expectations also grew (3.5%), driven by the better assessment in relation to the economy (4.5%).
Investment intentions were up 3.6%, driven by investments in the company (6%) and by hiring employees (4.2%).
In comparison with June 2021, Icec rose 24.4%, with growth of 57.2% in the current situation, 10.5% in expectations and 21.3% in investment intentions.