This Sunday there was a regional assembly where it was announced that the Copei Political Directorate of the Miranda state is separating from the Democratic Alliance and betting on the primary elections.
In a regional assembly where more than 200 delegates from the green group participated, Enrique Mendoza assured that they will go to primaries “without kidnapping”, while asserting that “Copei Miranda will promote the holding of primary elections of the opposition for the selection of candidates. The primaries must be open, without kidnappings and equal conditions.”
Among the motivations for this decision, the Copeyano leader explained, the opinion of the Mirandina militancy has enormous weight.
“After the elections of November 21, the regional leadership of the party conducted a consultation with the militancy throughout the state to find out their opinion regarding the electoral results, in which 80% of those consulted believed that the so-called Democratic Alliance impaired performance and copei’s vote hopelessly.”
Mendoza expressed that the regional political leadership of Copei Miranda will be evaluating the names of presidential figures who can guide the country towards change.
Among the possible candidates, he named Humberto Calderón Berti, Ramón Guillermo Aveledo, Andrés Caldera, Asdrúbal Aguiar and Cesar Pérez Vivaz.