President Gabriel Boric announced on Friday, after the ministerial cabinet council, a tour in the north of the country, which will take place next week.
“Next week I have a trip to the northern part of our country, which also has very important concerns and demands, in particular the Arica Region,” said the President.
According to slogan Thirdthe presidential visit will be in the Arica region and will take place between June 28 and 30.
“I have been traveling to different regions of Chile to be able to deploy the government program,” said Boric, adding that “our ministers are permanently in the area.”
“There is no doubt that as President of the Republic I am not going to evade any responsibility and we are going to cover the entire territory,” he emphasized.
Let us remember that as President, Boric has traveled to the regions of Coquimbo and Magallanes, but has not yet visited the areas governed by the State of Exception, in the provinces of Biobío and Arauco, in the Biobío region, and throughout La Araucanía.
“I have the duty to travel throughout our country and, therefore, without a doubt, I am going to go to Biobío, La Araucanía, Los Ríos, Los Lagos, and we will announce that appropriately when the time is right,” said the head of state. .