On June 14, the government approved decree 195/022 of the Ministry of Economy, by which the Executive Branch is charged with setting the technical criteria and instructions so that the subsections submit for approval their organizational structure projects and job positions. worked.
In said decree it is stated that the current organizational and job structures of the central administration subsections “need to be updated in order to enable a more effective State in its regulatory actions and provider of essential services to society, increasing its quality. without increasing your costs.
However, COFE filed an administrative appeal against the government decree at the Executive Tower, with the understanding that it was imposed “unilaterally by the government and is part of the package of fiscal adjustment measures applied by the Executive Power, whose main objective is The objective is to cut jobs, with the civil servant being the adjustment variable”.
Covert State Reform
“We are witnessing the profound dismantling of public services applied by the Executive Branch and a covert reform of the State, where the final conclusion must be to reduce and shrink spending, at the cost of less quality public services,” said Martín Pereira, president of COFE in statements to the PIT-CNT Portal.
COFE considers that according to the decree, the agencies must propose a list of positions, functions and contracts that must be declared surplus or directly discontinued, therefore “the government seeks to save at the cost of job cuts. These are officials who have an income, a family and who, due to a unilateral decision of the hierarch, who considers that his position is not necessary, will be laid off or surplus, depending on the employment relationship he has.
The union of state workers states that the decree contains an “anti-state and bailout position of the government, since it establishes a cap on spending on wages; provides for restructuring that must establish the termination of contracts, functions and the declaration of surplus officials; reduces and limits the substantive management areas and mainly the support areas; and disregards and violates collective bargaining and current laws.”
“Decree 195/022, added to other measures such as the massive reduction in wages, the reduction in retirement benefits and pensions, the reduction in rights, the new medical license regime, the very possible inclusion of the social security reform, positions the government coalition in an anti-popular agenda, where the vast majority of the population of our country will be harmed”, denounces COFE.