This Monday, June 27, the installation session of the special commission of the Congress of the Republic in charge of electing the new head of the Ombudsman.
According to the agenda on the website of the National Parliament, the session will begin at 11:30 a.m. in the Francisco Bolognesi room of the Legislative Palace.
As it is recalled, the session of last Wednesday the 22nd was suspended due to the fact that four members of different parliamentary caucuses, among them Free PeruThey asked for permission.
It should be noted that the new composition of this working group was approved in the early hours of June 17, with nine members and despite the precautionary measure approved by the Judiciary that orders the suspension of the process.
The previous commission that was in charge of choosing the new Ombudsman was deactivated by the Plenary after a judicial order that ordered the process to stop.
The Third Specialized Constitutional Court of Limaled by Judge John Javier Paredes Salas, ordered the President of Congress, María del Carmen Alva (Popular Action), to suspend the process.
The decision was adopted as a result of an amparo action presented by the Union of Workers of the Ombudsman’s Office, considering that there was no transparency or publicity.